Player Card

Earn your Soccer Youth Player Card

Each All-American Series location features a Player Card Combine during the event allowing the players to participate in six different skill testing stations to determine their stats for their official Soccer Youth Player Card, like what you might see with a FIFA card.

The Player Card Combine is a great way to determine where your player stands in comparison to other players from around the country in your players age group. A scaled rating system based on the specific birthyear and gender of the player is used to determine the scores.

The six drills are listed in the tabs. These drills test your players ability in six key areas of the game, showing your player where they need to improve their game.

All players cards (in a digital format) are released after all the summer events are completed and uploaded to player’s profiles on

The Player Card Combine is additional Add-On Opportunity that costs $109 per player.

REGISTER: Click here to log into your Soccer Youth LeagueApp account and register.

What to expect on the Player Card:

  • Head shot of the player
  • Player’s Name
  • Player’s position (Forward: FOR, Midfielder: MID, Defender: DEF, Goalkeeper: GK)
  • Nations flag
  • Overall Rating (OVR)
  • Pace stat (PAC)
  • Power stat (PWR)
  • Passing stat (PAS)
  • Dribbling stat (DRI)
  • Agility stat (AGL)
  • Shooting stat (SHO)

The Combine includes six drill testing stations, one for each stat. The Overall Rating (OVR) is the average of the six stats. 

Station 1: Pace (PAC) – Involves a 30-yard dash station with lasers at the start and finish to accurately record the player’s 30-yard dash time.

Station 2: Power (PWR) – Players have 3 balls to kick as hard as they can into a goal and their top speed is recored from the Pocket Radar System.

Station 3: Passing (PAS) – Short and Long passing into mini-goals with 30-seconds to complete. Involves three mini-goals 10 yards away, two mini-goals 14 yards away, and one mini-goal 18 yards away. Players receive one point for each pass they make into the goal. Players need to make all three in the first row before they can go to the second row. Players must make both into goals in the second row before they can go to the third row. 

Station 4: Dribbling (DRI) – Timed dribbling through cones, 15 yards total. Players start by dribbling 5 yards then weave between 6 stakes and dribble 5 yards and go around a stake. Players then dribble back through the stakes and dribble through the start line. Players will be laser-timed. If a player skips a stake a 3-second penalty will be added to their timed score.

Station 5: Agility (AGL) – Players complete in our 5-10-5 drill. Players run 5-yards touch the line turn and run 10-yards touch the line and turn and run 5-yards through the start line. Players will be laser-timed.

Station 6: Shooting (SHO) – Players participate in the Sharp Shooter Challenge. Players shoot 15 soccer balls and 1 golden ball into a goal covered by the SKLZ net, with only the corners of the goal open. Each player has 15 soccer balls lined up at a specific distance (15 yards for players born in 2011 and after, 18 yards for kids born before 2011), and a golden ball at a farther more challenging distance. The points system is as follows: top corners are 20 points, the bottom corners are 5 points, and the golden ball is worth double the number of points depending on the corner you place it in. All shots, including the golden ball, must be taken within the one-minute time frame.

The rating each player receives for each stat depends on how they compare to the rest of the players in that age group.

NOTE: For the stations that involve using soccer balls, kids that were born in 2011 and before will use a size 4 ball. If they were born after 2011 they will use a size 5 ball. 

The Player Card Combine takes place at certain designated times at each All-American Series event. Detail times with the Event Itinerary will be sent to all players as we get closer to the event date.

The Player Card Combine is additional Add-On Opportunity that costs $109 per player. To register: Click here to log into your Soccer Youth LeagueApp account and register.

All Player Cards ratings are released after our All-American Series events are completed for the summer. This allows us determine accurate ratings for each player by using a scaled rating system for all players we see this summer based on the specific birthyear and gender of the player.

All cards are uploaded to player’s profiles featured on and emailed to each player for their own social platforms.

The Player Card Combine is a great way to determine where your player stands in comparison to other players from around the country in your players age group.  There is a wide variety of drills that go into it and can help show where your player might need to improve your game.

Players can participate in the Player Card Combine once per All-American Series event. The best scores from each event will be recorded from the data to determine their rating. Plus, if attending our Golden Cup and Super Cup events while participating in the Player Card Combine, all players have the opportunity to get their card BOOSTED!

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